Realistic. Heat resistant. Super versatile.


In order to provide a better and more friendly shopping experience, has the loyalty point policy below:

Note: In order to get points on Invisilacewig, you'll need to log in your account first

then place your order. If you don't have an account ,please Register one.


1. What are loyalty points?  

Loyalty points are equal to store credits. They can be applied as cash at and be combined with any discount that is active on the website.

100 Points=1 USD.


2. How to get points?

  • New customers register as member (free) and earn 200 points = $2.
  • Any complete order from website can get related points , the system will add points automatically.
  • Text reviews for your complete order can get 200 points
  • Post great photos of wearing our products for your complete order, after approved you will win 500 points. Points depend on the quantity and quality of your pictures.   (Pictures request: Beautiful Clearly half-body (from head to waist),ensure your hair is the focus.)
  • Post good videos of wearing our products for your complete order, after approved you will win 2000 points or $20 cash. Points depend on the quality of your video.
  • Useful suggestions of customers that are once adopted, the customer will win 500-1000points.Points depend on your advice.


3. Points can be used together with coupon code. 

You can use your point any time in future order.